Hello, we are OsanNimu:
a research led design partnership
Combining Packaging Design, Book Design, Documentary Photography,
Social Product Design + Project Management.
We see the world through multiple perspectives
Collaborative design, prototyping-to-learn are an ongoing process of negotiation, to ensure people’s perspectives are present in the design process. Written narratives are important in the work we do, because they contextualise. With the Fool Eater, the audience was invited to engage within the story, in multiple ways.
We use photography as a storytelling & research tool.
To analyze images, to represent people’s stories to an audience, an invitation to interact with narrative spaces and objects, and to interpret cultural media and artifacts.
Our Services
We co-design research approaches with you, to test prototype with users, to make sense of people’s feedback, to prioritize refinements.
We co-design packaging and services that connect with people’s lives.
We tell stories through photography and film. We use photography and documentary footage of interviews to support immersion studies, ethnographic research, to understand and communicate issues that surround design challenges.
In close collaboration with authors, we design, prototype, art direct books, fiction and non-fiction. Mostly in the Arts and Culture space, and Professional services.
We work with partners, to implement programmes which apply people-centred-design to sector-specific development challenges, and to make systemic impact.
We work in partnership with clients to ensure project risks and issues are managed through reasoned and informed decision making.
What people say about OsanNimu.
OsanNimu co-opted us in impact design research, to open up discussions with our community of users, to minimize our reliance on gut feel.
— Kristina Moody.
Interactive Theatre: The Fool Eater
Theatre Making workshops for a piece of site-responsive interactive and immersive theatre. Director: Florian J Seubert.