Regional Design Studio

To Develop A Research Led Design Service For The Leather Sector across *COMESA.


To Incubate A Consumer Led Research And Design Capacity required to develop domestic, regional and international markets, and supply chains, to enable providers achieve outcomes.


To map dependencies between demand and supply side of the footwear products sector across *COMESA. To evaluate what value means to consumers in the casual footwear space.

Client All Africa Leather and Leather Products Institute (AALLPI).

Programme Management Commonwealth Secretariat London.

Service Design Agnes Gitau, Feraw Kebede and Ayodeji Alaka.

Stakeholder Engagement Programme Team at AALLPI And GBS Africa

Location Addis Ababa, Kigali and Mombasa.

Partners GBS Africa and Oliberte Footwear Company.

Adaptive Framework Nesta UK, PLOT.STUDIO

*COMESA Common Market For East And South Africa.


Facilitate Stakeholder Workshops.

Co-Create Research Led Service Concept Note.

Co-Map Research Led Service Design Framework And Blueprint, For A Regional Design Studio.

Prototype Research Led Service Design Blueprint in collaboration with Oliberte Footwear Company.


An Adaptive Research Led Service Design Framework, For A Regional Design Studio.

Programme Greenlit By Private Sector representatives, and COMESA Council Of Trade & Investment Ministers.


Lights Camera Africa


Communication Design