Communication Design.

To Tell Ravensbourne Stories, we used an iterative approach to define, analyze, synthesize and frame conversations, in a participatory context. We listened to a confluence of voices from within the staff and student body, at creative activity rich places and in learning spaces.

These inquiring voices curious about who is missing? who is in the picture? who is not in the photo? what are they doing? increased our ability to use research and evidence to influence decision making about representative photographic narratives.

Client Ravensbourne University.

Sector Education, Arts And Culture.

Discipline Communication Design.

Project Team John Barlow, Nike Awoyinka, Angela Lyons, Ayodeji Alaka.

  • Photography functions as prototyping that draws in voices from a myriad of places, and activities, where students congregate.


A Regional Design Studio


'Another World Is Possible.'